Saturday, May 30, 2009

New Puppy = Busy!!

Wow! It's amazing how much having a new puppy is like having a new baby! Maybe it's because I've been a mama before and motherhood just kicks into high gear again, but I do find myself listening for every little squeak that comes out of the room he's sleeping in. I've also taken a shower at 5 a.m., knowing that he's asleep now, but won't be for long! I also cried at work on my first day back last Monday. Sheesh. Talk about separation anxiety!

Something that IS positive (at least in my opinion) is that I find myself spending a lot less time doing email or killing time on Facebook. I had a bad habit of checking my work email at home. My boss used to gently get after me about that, not wanting me to be doing work on off-work time. Well, getting an active puppy took care of that little problem!
Ky is doing so well. We are all bonding nicely....even Chloe...somewhat. There are times when Chloe does so well with him, like this morning when Ky jumped up to try to get at something I was preparing on the counter, only to come crashing down on her head. I expected Chloe turn into a Tasmanian Devil, but she just let it slide by. Those are the good times. We suspect, though, that occasionally he tries to nurse off of her. Those are the times she becomes a mad woman! (And seriously, I don't blame her!)
Paul, Ky and I have gone to two weeks of "Manners" class now. We practice daily and he seems to be catching on very quickly. With treats, he sits, downs, comes, stays (very short time), and touches my hand. He's by far the youngest dog in the class, but is progressing as well as any of the others. I think our next series of classes after we finish this one will be puppy agility. If he likes it, we'll go further. If not, we'll concentrate on obedience work (what his breeder believes he'll be best at). I also want to work on getting his therapy dog certification. He's extremely gentle, so I think he'd be a great therapy dog.
Potty training seems not to be an issue. I can't say that he's going to the door when he wants to go out, but he's only had a couple of in-house boo-boos. I'm very well trained to watch him like a hawk. I don't like cleaning up accidents is what it comes down to!
Oh, I almost forgot--Ky weighed in at 29 pounds this morning (about 3 pounds in a week). That amazes me, as he look SO skinny right now. It's a little embarrassing when I take him out. I want to say, "Yes, I really do feed my puppy!!"

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